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Small Business HVAC rebates

It pays to heat and cool efficiently

You can considerably lower your business' utility bills by improving your heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system's energy efficiency. Our commercial HVAC rebates for small and medium businesses can reduce your upfront investment, allowing you to quickly put your utility bill savings where they belong — back into your business.

We offer rebates for the following HVAC equipment.

heat pump dryer
Ductless heat pumps for electric conversion
Converting your electric resistance heating to a ductless heat pump can cut your HVAC energy use up to 50%.
smart temp
Commercial connected thermostats
Compared to thermostats that aren’t capable of connecting to the internet, commercial connected thermostats can reduce HVAC energy consumption by 10-15%.
Hospitality commercial HVAC incentives
Advanced rooftop controls
An advanced rooftop control (ARC) unit is a retrofit solution that can shrink HVAC energy use by as much as 70%.

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Or call 1-800-562-1482.

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